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"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."

Colossians 2:8
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Teaching God's Word Since 1994

Mission Statement

The slogan statement of this ministry is, "Where Sound Doctrine Endures"; this, of course, is a reference to II Timothy 4:1-4.  We believe the "time" has come when many people do not wish to have anything more than a shallow religious experience.  We believe far too many ministries have catered to this desire.  Therefore, it is the mission of this ministry to provide in-depth teaching of the Word of God.  It is for this reason we call ourselves an institute.

Any person desiring to receive something from this ministry should be aware that to understand what we are teaching, you must be willing to put forth some effort to learn, and not just look for the feel good message that will get you on your way!

It is ...

The intransigent position of Living Springs, that the Jewish people are, and always will be, the chosen people of God!  That God gave this blessing without repentance.  That they who bless them will be blessed, and they who curse them will be cursed.  Let no part of this organization, its beliefs, and/or its teachings be misconstrued, misinterpreted or misrepresented to assert or contend something contrary to the above stated position!

We are ...

Independent: This means we are not part of a denomination.  We simply teach the Word of God, Genesis through Revelation!

Trinity: We believe, just as the Bible tells us, God is a triune being, consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!  We believe Jesus is God the Son, and salvation is only by grace, through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ! Ephesians 2:8

Pentecostal: We believe in Acts 2:38-39, the Holy Ghost is for us today, and that speaking in tongues is the evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost! Acts 2:4

Holiness: We believe you don't have to live like the world just because this earth is our current dwelling place, but that you really can be free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-6

It is our desire, at Living Springs Institute, for people to hear what we are teaching, and not just assume we teach the same thing as someone else.  This means, in someways, it can be just about as important to point out who we are not, as it is to tell you who we are!

For example:

We are not Charismatic simply because we believe in speaking in tongues.

We are not Seventh Day Adventist, or any other group which sprang from their original movement, simply because we teach Saturday is the true Sabbath.

Here, at Living Springs Institute, we don't just want to tell you what we believe, we want the chance to teach you why, and we never hide behind sensationalism or popular demand!  As this site grows, we think you'll agree; and if there is anything you have a question about, please, don’t hesitate to write us. We would love to answer your questions!

We pray you'll give this ministry a chance, because we want to be a blessing to you!  If you’re ready to learn, we're ready to teach.  So come on, Step into the Springs!

About Us
Contact Information:

Mailing Address: Living Springs Institute
P.O. Box 271
Loveland, CO  80539

Phone: 970-593-9468


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